Thursday, May 29, 2008

World Without End

Continuing my magical journey, above is the big temple and some of the eponymous Idaho falls.

I walked around downtown today and saw a giant pile of antlers. That bodes well for any potential gun shooting I want to get involved with down the road. Also, there are many antique and consignment shops, and I think I've traveled back to the 1950s.

I really didn't want to write about it on here, but I can't resist: one of my roommates loves dragons and knights and Ren fairs; she makes capes and wears a hat with a feather in it. I'm just sayin'...


chewtastic said...

if you see more orange vases... also, try introducing her to making her own chain mail.

Spacebeer said...

While I've never been a Ren fair type myself, I have a secret spot of love for them deep in my heart. Maybe she will make you some mead! Or grog!

Trireme said...

I kind of want to get one of those old wallphones. We could put it in the parlor.