Sunday, June 29, 2008

form is void

So, we hiked up the the Darby Wind Cave today. It's right on the Wyoming Idaho border (Wydaho) in the Tetons. Holy crap, that hike totally wrecked me. It was about 5 miles at around 8000 feet, and we had to cross many streams on scary logs. A few of my friends fell in, but somehow I made it over each one. That mountain water is freezing.

We got up pretty close to the cave, which has huge cathedral entrance with a violent waterfall pouring out of it. The final part of the hike was steep and off the trail, because the whole area was covered in snow. I was about waste deep in snow for some of this. Not cool. We couldn't get into the cave because it was buried, although my friends made a good effort and did some pretty impressive rock climbing. I got totally dirty, wet, and exhausted, but it was beautiful, and I'm proud that I didn't roll of the mountain at some points. We're gonna try again in a few weeks, hoping that the snow will be melted.

Way to survive, Julia.

1 comment:

Spacebeer said...

I'm so glad you weren't attacked by Big Foot. Personally I wouldn't be too sad that the cave was buried in snow -- I do way better hiking around in the open air than I do in scary confined places that could fall in on ones head.