Sunday, June 15, 2008


We made it out to Jackson yesterday. It's about 90 minutes away, east into Wyoming and over the Teton pass. The weather turned perfect, and the scenery is absolutely spectacular. The town itself is very touristy and almost 100% fake-western. It's built up around a ski resort and is full of expensive leather & cowboy gear purveyors, as well as bistros. However, we sat outside at a normal-seeming coffee shop, which is literally impossible to do in this part of Idaho.

A friend and I stocked up on lots of liquor out there; the town has a much better selection than you can find in IF. Although I have to say, it's weird, but Idaho doesn't seem to tax wine. It's very cheap, and you can get a really nice bottle for under $10.

I'm looking forward to doing more shooting today. We got a bunch of CRTs and old tvs to shoot at. Better watch out for the ricochet!

1 comment:

chewtastic said...

i've met quite a few trustafarians from there. i think some rich arty kid i grew up with curates a gallery there too.